R Variables and Data Types

R Variables and Data Types

Tutorial Name: Codes With Pankaj Website: www.codeswithpankaj.com

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Variables in R

    • What is a Variable?

    • Naming Conventions in R

    • Assigning Values to Variables

    • Working with Variables in R

  2. R Data Types

    • Numeric Data Type

    • Integer Data Type

    • Character Data Type

    • Logical Data Type

    • Complex Data Type

    • Factors and Levels

    • Special Values: NA, NULL, Inf, and NaN

  3. Working with Data Types

    • Checking Data Types

    • Type Conversion in R

1. Introduction to Variables in R

1.1 What is a Variable?

In R, a variable is a name that you can assign to a value or an object. Variables store data that can be used and manipulated throughout your program. A variable can hold various types of data, such as numbers, strings, or logical values.


# Assigning a value to a variable
x <- 10
y <- "Hello, R"

1.2 Naming Conventions in R

When naming variables in R, there are some important rules and conventions to follow:

  • Case Sensitivity: R is case-sensitive, so variable, Variable, and VARIABLE are considered different variables.

  • Valid Characters: Variable names can include letters, numbers, dots (.), and underscores (_), but cannot start with a number.

  • Avoid Reserved Words: Do not use R's reserved keywords like if, else, for, while, etc., as variable names.

Examples of Valid Variable Names:

my_var <- 5
data.frame <- 10  # Though valid, it's better to avoid using function names as variables

Examples of Invalid Variable Names:

2nd_var <- 15  # Cannot start with a number
if <- 20  # Cannot use reserved words

1.3 Assigning Values to Variables

In R, the assignment operator <- is commonly used to assign values to variables. You can also use the equal sign =, but <- is preferred in R programming.


# Assigning values using the assignment operator
a <- 25
b <- 30

# Assigning values using the equal sign (not recommended)
c = 45

1.4 Working with Variables in R

Once a variable is created, you can perform various operations on it, such as arithmetic, logical comparisons, or concatenation.


# Arithmetic operations
result <- a + b
print(result)  # Output will be 55

# Concatenation of strings
greeting <- paste("Hello,", "World!")
print(greeting)  # Output will be "Hello, World!"

2. R Data Types

R supports a variety of data types, each designed to handle specific types of data. Understanding these data types is crucial for effective programming in R.

2.1 Numeric Data Type

The numeric data type in R is used for decimal values (floating-point numbers). It is the default type for numbers in R.


num <- 10.5
print(class(num))  # Output will be "numeric"

2.2 Integer Data Type

Integers in R are whole numbers. To explicitly define an integer, use the L suffix.


int_var <- 10L
print(class(int_var))  # Output will be "integer"

2.3 Character Data Type

Character data types, or strings, are used to store text. Text values must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.


char_var <- "This is a string"
print(class(char_var))  # Output will be "character"

2.4 Logical Data Type

Logical data types represent boolean values, which can be either TRUE or FALSE.


log_var <- TRUE
print(class(log_var))  # Output will be "logical"

2.5 Complex Data Type

Complex data types store complex numbers, which consist of a real and an imaginary part.


comp_var <- 3 + 2i
print(class(comp_var))  # Output will be "complex"

2.6 Factors and Levels

Factors are used to represent categorical data. Factors store both the values and the corresponding levels (categories).


factor_var <- factor(c("High", "Low", "Medium", "High"))
print(levels(factor_var))  # Output will be the levels "High", "Low", and "Medium"

2.7 Special Values: NA, NULL, Inf, and NaN

  • NA: Represents missing values.

  • NULL: Represents the absence of a value or an undefined value.

  • Inf: Represents infinity (e.g., division by zero).

  • NaN: Stands for "Not a Number," representing undefined or unrepresentable values.


na_val <- NA
null_val <- NULL
inf_val <- 1/0
nan_val <- 0/0

3. Working with Data Types

3.1 Checking Data Types

You can check the data type of a variable using the class() function.


x <- 10.5
print(class(x))  # Output will be "numeric"

3.2 Type Conversion in R

R allows you to convert variables from one data type to another using functions like as.numeric(), as.character(), as.integer(), and as.logical().


# Convert numeric to character
num <- 100
char <- as.character(num)
print(class(char))  # Output will be "character"

Practice Exercises:

  1. Create variables of different data types and check their classes using the class() function.

  2. Try converting data types using type conversion functions.


Understanding variables and data types is fundamental in R programming. By mastering these basics, you can efficiently store, manipulate, and analyze data. Whether you are working with numbers, text, or logical values, R provides the flexibility to handle a wide range of data types.

For more tutorials and resources, visit Codes With Pankaj at www.codeswithpankaj.com.

Last updated