History and Overview of R

History and Overview of R: Professional-Level Tutorial for Beginners

Tutorial Name: Codes With Pankaj Website: www.codeswithpankaj.com

Table of Contents

  1. What is R?

  2. What is S?

  3. The S Philosophy

  4. Back to R

  5. Basic Features of R

  6. Free Software

  7. Design of the R System

  8. Limitations of R

  9. R Resources


This tutorial is designed to give a comprehensive overview of R, a powerful programming language for statistical computing and data analysis. We will explore its history, key features, and the philosophical roots that shaped its development. By the end of this tutorial, beginners will have a solid understanding of what makes R unique and how it fits into the broader context of statistical programming languages.

1. What is R?

R is an open-source programming language and software environment primarily used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation. Developed in the early 1990s by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, R has since grown to become one of the most widely used languages in data science.

Key Points:

  • Origin: Developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the early 1990s.

  • Purpose: Focused on statistical computing and data analysis.

  • Popularity: Used widely in academia, research, and industry due to its extensive package ecosystem and flexibility.


# Simple example of basic arithmetic in R
x <- 10
y <- 20
z <- x + y
print(z)  # Output will be 30

2. What is S?

S is a statistical programming language that was developed at Bell Laboratories in the mid-1970s by John Chambers and his colleagues. S was designed to provide a flexible environment for statistical computing, combining the power of statistical methods with the versatility of a programming language.

Key Points:

  • Origin: Developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers and colleagues.

  • Purpose: Aimed to facilitate statistical analysis and data visualization.

  • Legacy: S laid the foundation for R, influencing its design and functionality.


  • S was the predecessor of R, and many of the functions in R are based on the original S language.

3. The S Philosophy

The philosophy behind S was centered on flexibility and user empowerment. The goal was to create a language that allowed users to extend and adapt it to suit their specific statistical needs. This philosophy of extensibility and customization heavily influenced the design of R.

Key Points:

  • Flexibility: S was designed to be adaptable for a wide range of statistical tasks.

  • User-Centric: It empowered users to create their own functions and methods, which R inherited.


  • In R, users can create custom functions, just as they could in S, to perform specific tasks.

# Custom function in R
my_function <- function(a, b) {
  return(a + b)
result <- my_function(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output will be 8

4. Back to R

R can be seen as an implementation of the S language with additional features and a more modern approach. R maintains the core philosophy of S while expanding its capabilities through an open-source model, allowing contributions from a global community of developers.

Key Points:

  • Continuity: R carries forward the principles of S, such as flexibility and user-centric design.

  • Expansion: R's open-source nature has led to a vast ecosystem of packages and tools.


  • R's package system allows users to easily extend the language with additional functionality, similar to how S allowed users to extend the language.

# Installing a package in R

5. Basic Features of R

R comes with a rich set of features that make it ideal for statistical computing and data analysis. Some of its basic features include:

  • Data Manipulation: R provides powerful tools for data manipulation, including functions for subsetting, filtering, and transforming data.

  • Statistical Modeling: R supports a wide range of statistical models, from simple linear regression to complex multivariate analysis.

  • Graphics and Visualization: R has strong graphical capabilities, allowing users to create detailed plots and charts.

  • Extensibility: Through its package system, R can be extended to include additional functionality for specific tasks.


# Basic plotting in R
plot(cars$speed, cars$dist, main="Speed vs Stopping Distance", xlab="Speed", ylab="Stopping Distance")

6. Free Software

One of the key advantages of R is that it is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License. This means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute R without cost, making it accessible to a wide audience, including students, researchers, and professionals.

Key Points:

  • Open Source: R is open-source, which promotes collaboration and innovation.

  • Cost: Free to use, making it an attractive option for educational institutions and individuals.


7. Design of the R System

The design of R is modular, with a core system that provides essential functionality, and an extensive package ecosystem that allows users to add specific tools as needed. The core system includes:

  • Base Packages: Provide basic functionality such as arithmetic operations, data manipulation, and statistical modeling.

  • Recommended Packages: Offer additional functionality for more advanced tasks, such as data visualization and specialized statistical methods.

Key Points:

  • Modular Design: R is built around a core system with the ability to extend functionality through packages.

  • Package Ecosystem: Thousands of packages are available on CRAN, covering a wide range of topics and applications.


# Loading a recommended package in R

8. Limitations of R

While R is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations:

  • Performance: R can be slower than other programming languages when handling large datasets or complex computations, as it is not optimized for speed.

  • Memory Usage: R processes data in memory, which can be limiting when working with very large datasets.

  • Steep Learning Curve: For beginners, the syntax and structure of R can be challenging to learn.

Key Points:

  • Performance: R may not be the best choice for very large datasets or high-performance computing tasks.

  • Memory: R's in-memory processing can be a limitation for handling big data.

  • Learning Curve: R requires a learning investment, especially for those new to programming.

9. R Resources

R has a wealth of resources available for learning and development:

  • CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network): The official repository for R packages and documentation.

  • R Documentation: Extensive documentation is available for every function and package in R.

  • Community Support: R has an active community of users who contribute tutorials, forums, and support through various platforms like Stack Overflow, R-bloggers, and GitHub.

Key Points:

  • CRAN: The central hub for R packages and resources.

  • Documentation: Detailed documentation is available for all aspects of R.

  • Community: A strong community that supports and drives the development of R.


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