Getting Started with R

Getting Started with R: Professional-Level Tutorial for Beginners

Tutorial Name: Codes With Pankaj Website:

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

    • Installing R on Windows, macOS, and Linux

    • Installing RStudio (Recommended IDE)

    • Verifying Installation

  2. Getting Started with the R Interface

    • Overview of RStudio Interface

    • Basic Commands in the R Console

    • Using the Script Editor

    • Customizing RStudio

1. Installation

Before diving into R programming, the first step is to install R on your system. Additionally, RStudio, a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for R, will enhance your experience with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and a user-friendly interface.

1.1 Installing R on Windows, macOS, and Linux


  1. Click on "Download R for Windows."

  2. Follow the installation instructions, selecting the default options unless you have specific needs.

  3. Once installed, R will be ready to use.


  1. Click on "Download R for macOS."

  2. Download and install the appropriate version for your system.

  3. After installation, you can launch R from the Applications folder.


  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Use the package manager for your distribution (e.g., apt for Ubuntu) to install R:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install r-base
  3. Once installed, you can run R from the terminal by typing R.

1.2 Installing RStudio (Recommended IDE)

RStudio provides a more user-friendly interface for coding in R. Here's how to install it:

  1. Visit the RStudio website.

  2. Download the free version (RStudio Desktop) for your operating system.

  3. Follow the installation instructions specific to your OS.

  4. After installation, launch RStudio, and it will automatically detect your R installation.

1.3 Verifying Installation

Once R and RStudio are installed, verify the installation by launching RStudio and running a simple command in the R console:

# Basic command to check if R is working
print("R is successfully installed!")

If you see the output "R is successfully installed!", your setup is complete.

2. Getting Started with the R Interface

Now that R and RStudio are installed, let's explore the R interface and learn how to start coding.

2.1 Overview of RStudio Interface

When you open RStudio, you will see four main panels:

  1. Console Panel: This is where you can type R commands and see the output.

  2. Script Editor Panel: This is where you write and save your R scripts (code files).

  3. Environment/History Panel: This panel displays the variables in your workspace and a history of the commands you've executed.

  4. Files/Plots/Packages/Help Panel: This panel allows you to navigate files, view plots, manage packages, and access help.


  • Try typing 2 + 2 in the Console and pressing Enter. The output 4 should appear.

2.2 Basic Commands in the R Console

The R console is an interactive environment where you can execute commands directly. Here are a few basic commands to get started:

  • Arithmetic Operations:

    5 + 3  # Addition
    8 - 2  # Subtraction
    6 * 4  # Multiplication
    10 / 2  # Division
  • Assigning Values to Variables:

    x <- 10
    y <- 20
    z <- x + y
    print(z)  # Output will be 30
  • Getting Help: Use the ? or help() functions to get help on a specific command.

    ?print  # Get help on the print function

2.3 Using the Script Editor

While the console is great for quick commands, you'll often want to write scripts that you can save and run later. The Script Editor allows you to do this:

  • Creating a New Script:

    1. Click on "File" -> "New File" -> "R Script."

    2. Write your code in the Script Editor.

    3. Save the script with a .R extension (e.g., my_script.R).

  • Running a Script:

    • You can run your entire script by clicking the "Run" button or using the shortcut Ctrl + Enter (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Enter (macOS).

Example Script:

# A simple script to calculate the sum of two numbers
a <- 15
b <- 25
sum <- a + b
print(sum)  # Output will be 40

2.4 Customizing RStudio

RStudio allows you to customize your workspace to suit your preferences:

  • Themes: Change the appearance of RStudio by selecting a theme. Go to "Tools" -> "Global Options" -> "Appearance."

  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Customize or learn new shortcuts under "Tools" -> "Modify Keyboard Shortcuts."

  • Panel Layout: Rearrange the panels under "View" -> "Pane Layout."

Example Customization:

  • Change the theme to a dark mode for a different look and feel while coding.


This tutorial has guided you through the installation of R and RStudio, and provided an introduction to the R interface. By following these steps, you should now be ready to start coding in R. Whether you're performing basic arithmetic operations or writing scripts, the RStudio environment is designed to make your experience smooth and efficient.

Continue exploring RStudio, experimenting with different commands, and practicing your coding skills. Stay tuned for more advanced tutorials to take your R programming to the next level!

For more tutorials and resources, visit Codes With Pankaj at

Last updated