Check Constraint in SQL

Check Constraint in SQL

The Check Constraint is a powerful feature in SQL that allows you to define specific conditions that the data in a column must meet. By applying a check constraint, you can enforce rules and validate the data being inserted or updated in a table. This helps maintain data integrity and ensures that only valid data is stored in your database.

1. What is a Check Constraint?

  • Definition: A Check Constraint is a rule that specifies a condition that must be met for the data to be inserted or updated in a column. If the data does not satisfy the condition defined by the check constraint, the database will reject the operation.

  • Purpose: The primary purpose of the Check Constraint is to validate data before it is stored in the database. This ensures that data adheres to specific business rules or logical conditions.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Data Validation: Ensures that only data that meets specific conditions is allowed in the column.

  2. Custom Conditions: The conditions can be as simple or as complex as needed, providing flexibility in enforcing data integrity.

  3. Multi-Column Constraints: A Check Constraint can involve a single column or multiple columns in a table.

2. Defining a Check Constraint

You can define a Check Constraint when creating a table or by adding it to an existing table. The condition for the constraint is specified using a logical expression that the data must satisfy.

a. Defining Check Constraint During Table Creation

When creating a table, you can use the CHECK keyword to define a check constraint for a column.

Example 1: Single Column Check Constraint

CREATE TABLE employees (
    employee_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50),
    age INT,
    salary DECIMAL(10, 2),
    CHECK (age >= 18)

In this example:

  • The age column has a Check Constraint that ensures the age of an employee is at least 18. If someone tries to insert a row with an age less than 18, the operation will fail.

Example 2: Multi-Column Check Constraint

    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id INT,
    quantity INT,
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    CHECK (quantity > 0 AND price > 0)

In this example:

  • The Check Constraint ensures that both quantity and price must be greater than 0. This prevents orders with invalid quantities or prices from being inserted into the table.

3. Enforcing Data Validation with Check Constraints

Check Constraints enforce data validation by ensuring that any data inserted or updated in a column adheres to the condition specified by the constraint. If the condition is not met, the operation is rejected.

a. Valid Insertion:

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, age, salary)
VALUES (1, 'Raj', 'Kumar', 25, 50000.00);
  • This insertion is valid because the age is greater than or equal to 18, satisfying the Check Constraint.

b. Invalid Insertion (Check Constraint Violation):

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, age, salary)
VALUES (2, 'Sita', 'Sharma', 16, 45000.00);
  • This insertion will fail because the age is less than 18, violating the Check Constraint.

4. Adding a Check Constraint to an Existing Table

If you need to add a Check Constraint to an existing table, you can use the ALTER TABLE command.

a. Adding a Check Constraint:

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD CONSTRAINT chk_salary CHECK (salary >= 30000);
  • This command adds a Check Constraint to the salary column in the employees table, ensuring that the salary is at least 30,000.

b. Dropping a Check Constraint:

If you need to remove a Check Constraint from a table, you can use the ALTER TABLE command with DROP CONSTRAINT.

ALTER TABLE employees
  • This command removes the Check Constraint from the salary column.

5. Using Check Constraints for Complex Conditions

Check Constraints can be used to enforce more complex conditions and business rules. For example, you can use mathematical expressions, string comparisons, or logical operators to validate data.


CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name VARCHAR(100),
    price DECIMAL(10, 2),
    discount DECIMAL(5, 2),
    CHECK (discount >= 0 AND discount <= price)

In this example:

  • The Check Constraint ensures that the discount is a valid value. It must be non-negative, and it cannot exceed the price.

6. Benefits of Using Check Constraints

  • Data Integrity: Ensures that the data in your database adheres to business rules and logical conditions, preventing invalid data from being stored.

  • Automatic Validation: The database automatically enforces the Check Constraint, reducing the need for manual data validation in your application.

  • Flexibility: Check Constraints provide flexibility in defining custom validation rules for your data, making it easier to enforce complex conditions.


The Check Constraint is a powerful tool in SQL for validating data and ensuring that only data meeting specific conditions is stored in your database. By using Check Constraints, you can enforce business rules, prevent invalid data, and maintain data integrity in your tables. Whether you need simple or complex validation, Check Constraints provide a flexible and automatic way to ensure data quality.

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