Python Math

Python Math

Welcome to! In this tutorial, we will explore the math module in Python. We'll cover how to perform various mathematical operations, work with constants, and provide detailed examples to illustrate their application.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the math Module

  2. Common Mathematical Functions

  3. Trigonometric Functions

  4. Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

  5. Special Functions

  6. Mathematical Constants

  7. Practical Examples

  8. Summary

1. Introduction to the math Module

What is the math Module?

The math module in Python provides access to various mathematical functions and constants. It includes functions for arithmetic operations, trigonometry, logarithms, and more.

Key Points

  • The math module contains a wide range of mathematical functions.

  • It provides access to mathematical constants like pi and e.

2. Common Mathematical Functions

Example: Using Basic Mathematical Functions

import math

# Absolute value
print(math.fabs(-5))  # Output: 5.0

# Square root
print(math.sqrt(16))  # Output: 4.0

# Power
print(math.pow(2, 3))  # Output: 8.0

# Floor and Ceiling
print(math.floor(4.7))  # Output: 4
print(math.ceil(4.3))   # Output: 5

# Factorial
print(math.factorial(5))  # Output: 120

3. Trigonometric Functions

Example: Using Trigonometric Functions

import math

# Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
print(math.sin(math.pi / 2))  # Output: 1.0
print(math.cos(0))            # Output: 1.0
print(math.tan(math.pi / 4))  # Output: 1.0

# Inverse Trigonometric Functions
print(math.asin(1))  # Output: 1.5707963267948966 (pi/2)
print(math.acos(1))  # Output: 0.0
print(math.atan(1))  # Output: 0.7853981633974483 (pi/4)

# Hyperbolic Functions
print(math.sinh(1))  # Output: 1.1752011936438014
print(math.cosh(1))  # Output: 1.5430806348152437
print(math.tanh(1))  # Output: 0.7615941559557649

4. Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

Example: Using Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

import math

# Natural logarithm
print(math.log(10))  # Output: 2.302585092994046

# Logarithm base 10
print(math.log10(10))  # Output: 1.0

# Exponential function
print(math.exp(2))  # Output: 7.38905609893065

# Power function (equivalent to ** operator)
print(math.pow(2, 3))  # Output: 8.0

5. Special Functions

Example: Using Special Functions

import math

# Gamma function
print(math.gamma(5))  # Output: 24.0

# Error function
print(math.erf(1))  # Output: 0.8427007929497149

# Complementary error function
print(math.erfc(1))  # Output: 0.15729920705028513

6. Mathematical Constants

Example: Using Mathematical Constants

import math

# Pi
print(math.pi)  # Output: 3.141592653589793

# Euler's number (e)
print(math.e)  # Output: 2.718281828459045

# Tau (2*pi)
print(math.tau)  # Output: 6.283185307179586

# Infinity
print(math.inf)  # Output: inf

# Not a Number (NaN)
print(math.nan)  # Output: nan

7. Practical Examples

Example 1: Calculating the Area of a Circle

import math

def area_of_circle(radius):
    return math.pi * math.pow(radius, 2)

radius = 5
print(f"Area of circle with radius {radius}: {area_of_circle(radius)}")

Example 2: Calculating Compound Interest

import math

def compound_interest(principal, rate, time):
    return principal * math.pow((1 + rate / 100), time)

principal = 1000
rate = 5
time = 2
print(f"Compound Interest: {compound_interest(principal, rate, time)}")

Example 3: Solving a Quadratic Equation

import math

def solve_quadratic(a, b, c):
    discriminant = math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c
    if discriminant < 0:
        return "No real roots"
    elif discriminant == 0:
        root = -b / (2 * a)
        return f"One root: {root}"
        root1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
        root2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
        return f"Two roots: {root1} and {root2}"

a, b, c = 1, -3, 2
print(solve_quadratic(a, b, c))

8. Summary

In this tutorial, we explored the math module in Python, its importance, and how to use its functions and constants. We covered common mathematical functions, trigonometric functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, special functions, and mathematical constants. We also provided practical examples to illustrate the application of the math module. The math module is a powerful tool for performing mathematical operations in Python.

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