Multidimensional Arrays in Python
What is a Multidimensional Array?
A multidimensional array is a collection of elements organized into multiple dimensions. These arrays are particularly useful for representing matrices, grids, and tensors.
In Python, the NumPy library is the most efficient tool for creating and manipulating multidimensional arrays.
Why Use NumPy for Multidimensional Arrays?
Efficient: Operations on NumPy arrays are much faster than Python lists.
Convenient: Offers many built-in methods for operations like reshaping, slicing, and mathematical computations.
Flexible: Can handle large datasets and multidimensional data structures.
Creating Multidimensional Arrays in NumPy
1. Importing NumPy
To work with NumPy arrays, first, import the library:
2. Creating a 2D Array
A 2D array is like a table with rows and columns:
3. Creating a 3D Array
A 3D array is like a cube or a collection of 2D arrays:
Key Attributes of NumPy Arrays
Shape: The dimensions of the array.
Size: Total number of elements in the array.
Data Type: Type of elements stored in the array.
Reshaping Arrays
You can change the shape of an array using the reshape
Accessing and Modifying Array Elements
1. Indexing
Access elements using row and column indices:
2. Slicing
Extract specific portions of an array:
3. Modifying
Change specific elements:
Performing Operations on Arrays
1. Mathematical Operations
NumPy allows element-wise operations:
2. Matrix Multiplication
Advanced Features
1. Creating Arrays with Special Values
Identity Matrix:
2. Broadcasting
Broadcasting allows you to perform operations on arrays of different shapes:
NumPy’s multidimensional arrays are powerful tools for handling complex datasets and performing numerical computations efficiently. Whether you’re working with images, matrices, or scientific data, NumPy provides a rich set of functionalities.
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