
JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model) - Document Object and getElementById() Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the JavaScript DOM

  2. What is the Document Object?

  3. Accessing the Document Object

  4. Understanding getElementById()

    • Syntax of getElementById()

    • Using getElementById() to Access Elements

  5. Practical Examples

    • Changing Text Content

    • Changing HTML Content

    • Changing Styles

    • Adding Event Listeners

  6. Limitations of getElementById()

  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction to the JavaScript DOM

Welcome to the Codes with Pankaj tutorial on the JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model) and the getElementById() method! In this tutorial, we will explore how to use JavaScript to interact with HTML elements through the Document Object Model, specifically focusing on the getElementById() method. Let’s dive in!

The DOM represents the structure of a web page as a tree of objects, allowing you to manipulate the content and structure of your web pages using JavaScript.

2. What is the Document Object?

The document object is part of the DOM and represents the entire HTML or XML document that is loaded in the browser. It is the root of the DOM tree and provides various methods and properties to access and manipulate elements within the document.


console.log(document);  // Outputs the document object representing the entire page

3. Accessing the Document Object

The document object is automatically created by the browser when a page loads, and it can be accessed directly in your JavaScript code. It serves as the entry point for interacting with the DOM.


console.log(document.title);  // Outputs the title of the current document

4. Understanding getElementById()

The getElementById() method is one of the most commonly used methods in the DOM. It allows you to access a single HTML element based on its id attribute.

Syntax of getElementById()

  • id: The id attribute of the HTML element you want to access. It should be a string.

Using getElementById() to Access Elements

The getElementById() method returns the element that matches the given id. If no element with the specified id exists, it returns null.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>DOM Example</title>
    <h1 id="heading">Welcome to Codes with Pankaj</h1>
    <p id="description">This is a JavaScript DOM tutorial.</p>

        let headingElement = document.getElementById("heading");
        console.log(headingElement);  // Output: <h1 id="heading">Welcome to Codes with Pankaj</h1>

5. Practical Examples

Changing Text Content

You can use getElementById() to access an element and change its text content using the textContent property.


let headingElement = document.getElementById("heading");
headingElement.textContent = "Welcome to JavaScript DOM!";

Changing HTML Content

You can also change the HTML content of an element using the innerHTML property.


let descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description");
descriptionElement.innerHTML = "<strong>This content has been updated!</strong>";

Changing Styles

You can modify the styles of an element by accessing its style property.


let headingElement = document.getElementById("heading"); = "blue"; = "24px";

Adding Event Listeners

You can use getElementById() to add event listeners to an element, enabling interaction with the user.


let headingElement = document.getElementById("heading");
headingElement.addEventListener("click", function() {
    alert("Heading clicked!");

6. Limitations of getElementById()

  • Unique IDs: The id attribute should be unique within the document. If multiple elements share the same id, getElementById() will return the first element it finds, which may lead to unexpected behavior.

  • Single Element Selection: getElementById() only retrieves a single element. To select multiple elements, you would use other methods like getElementsByClassName() or querySelectorAll().

7. Conclusion

In this detailed tutorial, we've explored the document object and the getElementById() method, which is essential for accessing and manipulating HTML elements in the DOM. By mastering this method, you can dynamically update your web pages, making them interactive and engaging for users.

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Last updated