JavaScript Full Course

Course Title: Mastering JavaScript from Basics to Advanced

Course Overview:

This comprehensive JavaScript course is designed to take learners from the basics to advanced topics, providing a deep understanding of JavaScript and its applications in modern web development. By the end of this course, students will be proficient in JavaScript, capable of building dynamic web applications, and knowledgeable about advanced JavaScript concepts and techniques.

Course Duration:

12 weeks (3 months)

Course Structure:

Week 1-2: JavaScript Basics

  1. Introduction to JavaScript

    • Overview of JavaScript

    • Setting up the environment

    • Writing your first JavaScript program

  2. JS Comment

  3. JS Variable

  4. JS Global Variable

  5. JS Data Types

  6. JS Operators

  7. JS If Statement

  8. JS Switch

  9. JS Loop

  10. JS Function

Week 3: JavaScript Objects

  1. JavaScript Objects

    • JS Object

    • JS Array

    • JS String

    • JS Date

    • JS Math

    • JS Number

    • JS Boolean

Week 4: JavaScript BOM (Browser Object Model)

  1. Browser Objects

    • Window Object

    • History Object

    • Navigator Object

    • Screen Object

Week 5: JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model)

  1. Document Object

    • getElementById

    • getElementsByClassName()

    • getElementsByName

    • getElementsByTagName

    • JS innerHTML property

    • JS innerText property

Week 6: JavaScript Validation

  1. Form Validation

    • JS form validation

    • JS email validation

Week 7: JavaScript OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming)

  1. Object-Oriented Programming

    • JS Class

    • JS Object

    • JS Prototype

    • JS constructor Method

    • JS static Method

    • JS Encapsulation

    • JS Inheritance

    • JS Polymorphism

    • JS Abstraction

Week 8: JavaScript Cookies

  1. Cookies

    • JS Cookies

    • Cookie Attributes

    • Cookie with multiple Name

    • Deleting Cookies

Week 9: JavaScript Events

  1. Events

    • JavaScript Events

    • JavaScript addEventListener()

    • JS onclick event

    • JS dblclick event

    • JS onload event

    • JS onresize event

Week 10: JavaScript Exception Handling

  1. Exception Handling

    • JS Exception Handling

    • JavaScript try-catch

Week 11: JavaScript Miscellaneous

  1. Miscellaneous Topics

    • JS this Keyword

    • JS Debugging

    • JS Hoisting

    • JS Strict Mode

    • JavaScript Promise

    • JS Compare dates

    • JavaScript array.length

    • JavaScript alert()

    • JavaScript eval() function

    • JavaScript closest()

    • JavaScript continue statement

    • JS getAttribute() method

    • JS hide elements

    • JavaScript prompt()

    • removeAttribute() method

    • JavaScript reset

    • JavaScript return

    • JS String split()

    • JS typeof operator

    • JS ternary operator

    • JS reload() method

    • JS setAttribute() method

    • JS setInterval() method

    • JS setTimeout() method

    • JS string includes() method

    • Calculate current week number in JavaScript

    • Calculate days between two dates in JavaScript

    • JavaScript String trim()

    • JavaScript timer

    • Remove elements from array

    • JavaScript localStorage

    • JavaScript offsetHeight

    • Confirm password validation

    • Static vs Const

    • How to Convert Comma Separated String into an Array in JavaScript

    • Calculate age using JavaScript

    • JavaScript label statement

    • JavaScript String with quotes

    • How to create dropdown list using JavaScript

    • How to disable radio button using JavaScript

    • Check if the value exists in Array in JavaScript

    • JavaScript Setinterval

    • JavaScript Debouncing

    • JavaScript print() method

    • JavaScript editable table

    • CanvasJS

Week 12: JavaScript Advanced

  1. Advanced Topics

    • JS TypedArray

    • JS Set

    • JS Map

    • JS WeakSet

    • JS WeakMap

    • JavaScript callback

    • JavaScript closures

    • JavaScript date difference

    • JavaScript date format

    • JS date parse() method

    • JavaScript defer

    • JavaScript redirect

    • JavaScript scope

    • JavaScript scroll

    • JavaScript sleep

    • JavaScript void

    • JavaScript Form

    • JavaScript Async/Await

    • JavaScript Modules

    • JavaScript Fetch API

    • JavaScript ES6 Features (Arrow Functions, Template Literals, etc.)

    • JavaScript Generators

    • JavaScript Proxy

    • JavaScript Reflect

    • JavaScript Web Workers

    • JavaScript Service Workers

    • JavaScript IndexedDB

    • JavaScript WebSockets

    • JavaScript WebRTC

    • JavaScript Geolocation API

    • JavaScript Drag and Drop API

    • JavaScript Performance Optimization

    • JavaScript Memory Management

    • JavaScript Design Patterns

    • JavaScript Functional Programming

    • JavaScript Testing (Jest, Mocha)

    • JavaScript Frameworks Overview (React, Angular, Vue.js)

Assessments and Projects:

  • Weekly quizzes and assignments

  • Mid-term project: Building a dynamic web application using JavaScript basics and DOM manipulation

  • Final project: Developing a fully functional web application incorporating advanced JavaScript concepts


  • Course textbook

  • Online tutorials and documentation

  • Access to coding platforms and development tools

This course is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques, preparing learners to become proficient JavaScript developers

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