Getting Started with React JS

By Codes With Pankaj

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to set up React and create a simple app that prints “Hello World” on the screen.

What You Need Before Starting

  1. Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with JavaScript and HTML.

  2. Tools to Install:

    • Node.js (comes with npm).

    • A text editor like VS Code.

Step-by-Step: Setting Up React

Step 1: Install Node.js

  1. Download Node.js from the official website:

  2. Install Node.js and verify it by running the following commands in the terminal:

    node -v
    npm -v

    If installed correctly, these commands will display the versions of Node.js and npm.

Step 2: Create a React App

React provides a tool called Create React App to set up everything automatically.

  1. Open your terminal and run the following command:

    npx create-react-app hello-world-app
    • This command will create a folder named hello-world-app with all the necessary files.

    • The process might take a few minutes as it downloads dependencies.

  2. Navigate to your project folder:

    cd hello-world-app

Step 3: Start the React App

To start the React development server:

npm start
  • This will open your app in the browser at http://localhost:3000/.

  • By default, you’ll see the React logo and some boilerplate text.

Write Your First "Hello World" App

  1. Open the project folder in your text editor (VS Code).

  2. Locate the file src/App.js.

  3. Replace the code inside App.js with the following:

    import React from 'react';
    function App() {
      return (
          <h1>Hello World!</h1>
          <p>Welcome to React with Codes With Pankaj!</p>
    export default App;
  4. Save the file.

  5. Go back to your browser. It will automatically refresh and display:

    Hello World!
    Welcome to React with Codes With Pankaj!

How It Works

  • React Components: The App function is a React component that returns HTML (written as JSX).

  • JSX: Lets you write HTML inside JavaScript, making it easy to design the UI.

  • Live Reloading: Any changes you make in the code automatically update the browser.

Wrapping Up

You’ve successfully installed React and printed your first “Hello World” using React JS! 🎉

Last updated