String Pool in Java

String Pool in Java

The String Pool in Java is a special memory region used for storing string literals. It is part of the Java heap memory, and its main purpose is to optimize memory usage by ensuring that strings with the same value are not duplicated. Understanding how the string pool works is crucial for writing efficient Java programs, especially when dealing with large numbers of strings.

In this tutorial, we will explore what the string pool is, how it works, and how you can make use of it in your Java applications.

What is the String Pool?

The String Pool, also known as the String Intern Pool, is a collection of string objects stored in the heap memory. When a string literal is created, Java checks the string pool first to see if an identical string already exists. If it does, the reference to the existing string is returned instead of creating a new object. If it doesn't exist, the new string is added to the pool.

Key Points:

  • The string pool helps in saving memory by storing only one copy of each distinct string value.

  • Strings in the pool are immutable, meaning once a string is created, it cannot be changed.

  • The string pool is used only for string literals, not for strings created using the new keyword.

How the String Pool Works

When you create a string literal, the JVM automatically adds it to the string pool if it is not already present. If you create another string with the same value, the JVM will return a reference to the existing string from the pool instead of creating a new one.

Example 1: String Literals

public class StringPoolExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = "Codes With Pankaj";
        String str2 = "Codes With Pankaj";

        // Check if both references point to the same object
        System.out.println(str1 == str2); // Output: true


  • In this example, both str1 and str2 are pointing to the same object in the string pool. Therefore, the comparison using == returns true.

Example 2: Strings Created with new

public class StringNewExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = new String("Codes With Pankaj");
        String str2 = new String("Codes With Pankaj");

        // Check if both references point to the same object
        System.out.println(str1 == str2); // Output: false


  • In this example, str1 and str2 are created using the new keyword, which does not place the strings in the string pool. Therefore, each string is a separate object, and the comparison using == returns false.

String Interning

You can manually add strings created with the new keyword to the string pool using the intern() method. The intern() method checks if the string is already present in the pool. If it is, it returns the reference to the existing string; otherwise, it adds the string to the pool and returns the reference to it.

Example: Using intern()

public class StringInternExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = new String("Codes With Pankaj");
        String str2 = str1.intern(); // Adds str1 to the string pool

        String str3 = "Codes With Pankaj";

        // Check if both references point to the same object
        System.out.println(str2 == str3); // Output: true


  • The intern() method adds str1 to the string pool and returns the reference. Since str3 is also pointing to the same string in the pool, the comparison using == returns true.

Why Use the String Pool?

  1. Memory Efficiency: By storing only one copy of each string, the string pool helps reduce memory consumption in applications that use many strings.

  2. Performance Improvement: String comparison using == is faster when strings are interned, as it compares references rather than content.

  3. Immutability: Since strings in the pool are immutable, they are thread-safe and can be shared across different parts of the program without the risk of being modified.

When Not to Use the String Pool

While the string pool is beneficial in most cases, there are situations where it might not be ideal:

  1. Large Strings: If you are dealing with very large strings or a large number of unique strings, the string pool might increase memory usage rather than reduce it.

  2. Dynamic Strings: If your application frequently generates dynamic strings (e.g., using StringBuilder or StringBuffer), relying on the string pool may not offer significant advantages.

String Pool and Garbage Collection

The string pool is part of the heap memory, and strings that are no longer referenced can be garbage collected. However, string literals, which are referenced by the pool, are generally not garbage collected until the JVM shuts down.


The String Pool in Java is a powerful feature that optimizes memory usage and enhances performance by storing only one copy of each unique string. By understanding how the string pool works, you can write more efficient Java applications and make better decisions about when and how to use strings.

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